Friday, 27 May 2016

How to Delete Watched Videos on Facebook

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Do you know that Facebook keeps a record of every video you watch on its platform? They think they are making it easier for you to find those watched videos history and watch them again. So, what do you think about this? Do you have another point of view?
Anyway, you're the only one who can see the past watched videos history on your Facebook account. But to be honest with you, what will happen if someone has access to your account by a way or another ? As we know, there are so many people sharing their devices.
If you would like to view or delete your past watched videos, you can simply follow the steps described below, or jump directly to the video tutorial at the bottom of
this page. Ready? Let's get started!

How to Delete Watched Videos on Facebook?
1. First, you need to log into your Facebook account.
Facebook Login
2. Click the down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page, then choose Activity Log from the list.
Activity Log
3. In the left side of your activity log page, click the MORE link to expand more options.
More Options
4. In this step, click Videos Watched.
Videos Watched
5. Now, you should see a list of all your past watched videos.
Videos Watched List
6. To delete a specific watched video, click Edit (circle icon), then choose Delete.
Delete Watched Videos
7. To delete all watched videos at once, click Clear Video Watch History link.
Clear All Watched Videos At Once
8. In the popup window, click Clear Videos Watch History.
Clear Videos Watch History
